Dreamforce to You HLS Customer webinar recordings from Dec 7 - 11, 2020

Transform Patient Care with a Comprehensive Digital Engagement Platform 12-7-20

Digital transformation in healthcare is happening at an increasingly rapid pace. The current global health care crisis is only bolstering the need for technology to provide meaningful solutions. While excitement and investment in these technologies is rapidly increasing, the adoption and value proposition of technology for health care remains complex and multifaceted. Join this session to understand how a 'new exceptional' at Salesforce is emerging in the Healthcare provider market.

This session will share how organizations can:
*Enhance the Experience of Care for Patients through patient acquisition, referral leakage, and patient retention
*Improve the Health of Populations through gaps in care, care plan adherence, and avoidable readmissions
*Reduce the Per Capita Cost of Health Care through schedule optimization, appointment no-shows, and digital service utilization
*Pursue Health Equity and Care Team Well Being through employee productivity, clinical staff retention, and call center operations
*Understand how to create a ‘New Exceptional’ in Patient Care with a Comprehensive Digital Engagement Platform