Dreamforce to You HLS Customer webinar recordings from Dec 7 - 11, 2020

Deploy Interoperable APIs to Power Digital Transformation and Accelerate IT Innovation in Healthcare 12-8-20

Achieving interoperability is one of the biggest challenges for modern healthcare. Vendors and providers are tasked with using technology to freely, and securely, exchange information to create a continuum of care with greater value and lower cost for the patient.

Leaders across healthcare recognize this potential, that of APIs to enable an interoperable ecosystem that promotes the safe and coordinated delivery of care. With the new ONC & CMS Rules on interoperability and the growing adoption of FHIR, healthcare is on the precipice of a massive change that aims to positively impact the quality and cost of care, the patient's and provider's experience, and innovation across healthcare.

This session will share how organizations can:
* Streamline care coordination and patient experiences
* Improve patient privacy and security
* Enhance the quality of public health data
* Mitigate physician burnout